My name is Jiuxiang Gu, written in Chinese characters as 顾久祥. I am a Research Scientist at Adobe Research (Seattle). I obtained my Ph.D. degree (2016.1-2019.5) from Nanyang Technological University in Singapore, under the supervision of Prof. Jiangfei Cai, Dr. Gang Wang, and Prof. Tsuhan Chen. I serve as an Area Chair of ICLR 25, and WACV 24⁄25, a senior Program Committee member for IJCAI 21/22/23/24, and a Program Committee member for AAAI 21/22/23 and NNACL 21, etc.
My research journey began in hardware design. I worked as a hardware engineer from 2010 to 2015. In 2015, I transitioned from a hardware engineer (specifically an ASIC design engineer) to the AI field. My most recent research interests encompass Machine Learning Theory, Vision/Language/Multimodal Pre-Training, Efficient Modeling, Mutlimodal Understanding and Reasoning, and Self-Supervised Learning. I am actively seeking interns and collaborators to join me in research projects focused on Computer Vision, Natural Language Processing, and Multimodal Learning.
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